Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trying this blog thinggy again.

I first off want to apologize to anyone who has checked for updates on our site: I was having trouble updating it, then our hard drive crashed, and with the Apple website the info to be able to edit the site is stored on your computer. I can't figure out how to update it, SO here's a new blog.
We have now been here for 6 weeks and are adjusting well. We experience mild culture shock now and then, but nothing too serious. Our house is finally all set up, nothing too serious is broken at the moment, and we are taking language classes. Hudson will be starting school (1st grade) in less than 2 weeks. Half of the day will be in English, and the other half in Spanish. Please keep him in your prayers as this will be difficult and frustrating for him. Heidi was hoping to be able to teach English part-time at this school, but last night she received an e-mail saying there was no openings at this time. Please pray for our family that we continue to trust in God to take care of our needs. We were hoping for this extra income since we are not yet at our monthly support goal yet.
Also please pray for my dad that has been not feeling well and is in the hospital. It's hard to be thousands of miles away during times like this.


  1. Hi Ryan!
    Sounds like God is starting your adventure off nicely. I was curious if the gecko was still alive when it got the boot or if Heidis' foot did it in?
    As you can see on your blog, I'm your 1st follower but I pray it turns into many soon. I'll be writing out my support check today.
    God bless,Roy L Williams

  2. Sadly the gecko didn't make it, but Heidi seems to be doing fine :)

  3. R&H...You are in our thoughts and prayers....all is well here in Missouri...We have had a great summer weather wise... still hope to come visit some day when we are needed...Denise and I say Hi...TAB
